Risk appetite is an inherent part of human decision-making and should be considered explicitly when comparing the potential outcomes of decision alternatives. It plays a key role in the way reasonable assurance over the adequacy of risk management is formed and communicated to the Board.
A combination of underlying political tensions in various regions is leading to a more destabilised global order. How can directors reliably assess both the short and long-term impact and consequences of so varied and amorphous a set of issues on their businesses?
This guide highlights the best practices and common pitfalls faced by organisations preparing for cyber incidents, and their resulting claims processes.
This note outlines the insurance cover that may be available to organisations that have been impacted by the outage, and the steps organisations should take now to maximise their potential recoveries.
A concurrence of electoral cycles across so many countries provides a steady drumbeat of potential flashpoints throughout 2024, holding the attention of risk and insurance professionals. Includes results of the 2024 Airmic Big Question surveys.
Claims handling has traditionally been considered a back-office function – but the claims experience is increasingly a key criteria used by Airmic members when deciding which insurer to place their cover with.
AI has been flagged as an emerging risk for some time – boards are discussing AI risk frameworks and risk assessments. Boards need to be confident and informed about the outcomes of AI decisions that can affect the lives of people.
Organisational horizon scanning and foresight activities are never about predicting the future; they are simply tools to explore the future, inform us about our options and provide direction for our preparedness and strategic thinking.
Risk-taking is fundamental to the success of any organisation. Leaders must decide the extent to which risk needs to be sought, accepted, addressed or avoided. Their approach will determine how risks are managed across their organisation.