Click here for the Friday Reading Search, a searchable archive of reading and knowledge resources

Since March 2020, Airmic has been issuing Friday Reading, a curated series of readings and knowledge resources sent by email to Airmic members. The objective of Airmic Friday Reading was initially to keep members informed during the Covid-19 pandemic. Today, Airmic Friday Reading has evolved in scope to include content on a wide range of subjects with each email edition following a theme. This page is a searchable archive of all the readings and knowledge resources that have been shared.

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AMRAE, 11th January 2022
Friday Reading Edition 134 (9th December 2022)
[Click télécharger - "download" - but document is in English] From AMRAE, Airmic’s sister association in France – Risk-taking is inherent to a company in its pursuit of value creation. However, due to the radical transformation of some “traditional” business models, increased digitalisation of the economy, development of new technologies, multiplication of regulations, geopolitical uncertainties, changes in society, or the challenges of climate change, corporate risks are changing rapidly.
Cora, 6th November 2020
Friday Reading Edition 134 (9th December 2022)
[Free to watch webinar upon sharing contact details] In this change management webinar Stephen Carver, Businessman and Lecturer at Cranfield University use the example of airplanes and flight to examine complexity in change management, the findings of the research, and how it can help you.
Burges Salmon, 6th December 2022
Friday Reading Edition 133 (2nd December 2022)
[Free to watch webinar upon sharing contact details] Explores how the growth in hydrogen production and use over the coming years will be insured. The webinar will include perspectives from the insurance, risk management, and hydrogen sectors and will close with a panel discussion hosted by Ross Fairley, Partner at Burges Salmon.
Marsh, 28th November 2022
Friday Reading Edition 133 (2nd December 2022)
In this article — the third in a three-part series on hydrogen in the UK — we discuss how developers can help increase the insurability of their projects.
Burges Salmon, 7th June 2022
Friday Reading Edition 133 (2nd December 2022)
[Free to watch upon sharing contact details] A webinar from June 2022, on the role for Nuclear Enabled Hydrogen in the net zero transition and energy security, and the steps that the UK can take to support this.
KPMG, 1st June 2022
Friday Reading Edition 133 (2nd December 2022)
Low carbon hydrogen is needed at scale in order to achieve the legally binding targets set out in the Paris Agreement. There has been a lot of momentum around low carbon hydrogen as it attracts the attention of governments, investors and energy companies.
Hydrogen Council, 1st February 2021
Friday Reading Edition 133 (2nd December 2022)
Hydrogen is gathering strong momentum as a key energy transition pillar. Announced hydrogen investments have accelerated rapidly in response to government commitments to deep decarbonsation.
Carbon Brief, 30th November 2020
Friday Reading Edition 133 (2nd December 2022)
Hydrogen gas has long been recognised as an alternative to fossil fuels and a potentially valuable tool for tackling climate change. Now, as nations come forward with net-zero strategies to align with their international climate targets, hydrogen has once again risen up the agenda from Australia and the UK through to Germany and Japan.
Friday Reading Edition 133 (2nd December 2022)
From Rolls-Royce, which partnered with easyJet on the successful test of a hydrogen jet engine, as was announced December 2022.
Institute of Fiscal Studies, 17th November 2022
Friday Reading Edition 132 (25th November 2022)
Analyses on the choices that faced the Chancellor at the 2022 Autumn Statement, from the non-partisan think tank, the Institute for Fiscal Studies.