Click here for the Friday Reading Search, a searchable archive of reading and knowledge resources

Since March 2020, Airmic has been issuing Friday Reading, a curated series of readings and knowledge resources sent by email to Airmic members. The objective of Airmic Friday Reading was initially to keep members informed during the Covid-19 pandemic. Today, Airmic Friday Reading has evolved in scope to include content on a wide range of subjects with each email edition following a theme. This page is a searchable archive of all the readings and knowledge resources that have been shared.

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QBE, 20th March 2020
Friday Reading Edition 72 (27th August 2021)
Since the pandemic struck, its impact on business and supply chains has cut deeply into normal operations for every sector of industry, and the pattern of Covid-19 spread means companies are seeing employees unable to attend their normal place of work.
The Economist Intelligence Unit
Friday Reading Edition 72 (27th August 2021)
[Free to read upon sharing contact details] This short report examines how Covid-19 has impacted and will continue to fundamentally reshape global supply chains. With many multinationals looking to build resilience into their supply chains, the report takes a closer look at the accelerating trend of regional rather than global supply chains networks, in addition to the strategic use of inventory locations.
McKinsey & Co, 3rd August 2021
Friday Reading Edition 70 (13th August 2021)
As boards move beyond crisis management, survey results suggest that specific risks and organisational issues are increasingly top of mind. More often than their peers, directors on the most adaptable boards cite, as agenda items, issues such as technological trends and topics that are more cultural or organisational in nature, such as corporate social responsibility, and the company’s purpose.
RepTrak, 10th February 2020
Friday Reading Edition 70 (13th August 2021)
Covers the importance of maintaining a strong brand reputation, how purpose plays into the equation, and what marketers can do to build brand trust.
The Covid-19 pandemic can bring added complexity in preparing your business for hurricane season. Along with typical precautionary measures, taking steps in advance can help ensure your business is ready with the necessary supplies and information to help protect your property and your employees.
This white paper outlines a range of practical ways that UK companies can prepare for natural disasters abroad, prevent their operations being affected, where possible, mitigate the impact when a disaster occurs, and restore their business to full operational capacity.
CBI, 16th June 2021
In this session, recorded 16 June, the CBI reviewed the latest announcements from government on the covid roadmap and looked in-depth at international business travel.
Control Risks, 14th June 2021
The digital technologies and systems created today are introducing both far-reaching opportunities and challenges alike for security professionals and business leaders. This makes it more and more crucial to adopt a holistic view of how the intertwined global digital ecosystem of tomorrow may impact your organisation and its security. Fine tuning risk management strategies to navigate these shifting tides in the global digital threat landscape is essential.
UK Climate Risk
Friday Reading Edition 63 (18th June 2021)
Led by the University of Exeter in partnership with the Met Office, this report provides an analysis of 61 climate change risks and opportunities for the UK, considering the latest observations of, and future projections for, the changing climate in the UK and across the globe.
Friday Reading Edition 62 (11th June 2021)
Over the last few decades, many cities have been affected by civil unrest and rioting. Businesses may face increased risks, which can threaten employees, disrupt operations, and damage property. You can help mitigate these risks by considering the actions in this article.