Click here for the Friday Reading Search, a searchable archive of reading and knowledge resources

Since March 2020, Airmic has been issuing Friday Reading, a curated series of readings and knowledge resources sent by email to Airmic members. The objective of Airmic Friday Reading was initially to keep members informed during the Covid-19 pandemic. Today, Airmic Friday Reading has evolved in scope to include content on a wide range of subjects with each email edition following a theme. This page is a searchable archive of all the readings and knowledge resources that have been shared.

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Harvard Business Review, 4th January 2021
[Limited free articles per month for non-subscribers] Companies continue to rely on compliance tools such as codes of conduct and audits to get employees to report wrongdoing that they witness. But on their own, they are ineffective. Based on decades of behavioural science research and 30 years observing leaders, the author developed a model that offers seven interconnected strategies to nudge people to speak up.
Control Risks, 28th June 2018
Since US whistleblowing legislation changed in 2011, there has been a sustained increase in the number of tip-offs received. Conversely, the UK has no legislation in place to financially reward those who raise issues of concern, and is showing signs of a downward trend in the number of cases reported to regulators (as at the time of this article).
Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
Whistleblowing information gives us an insight into what’s happening in the markets we regulate. We can only act on what we know – so any information that you provide allows us to consider potential risks. Hundreds of people make whistleblowing reports to the FCA every year.
[Available for purchase] Protect has recently developed a new guide in response to queries from employers about how they should respond to the victimisation of whistleblowers, or, better yet, prevent it from happening in the first place.
Airmic,WTW, 7th June 2022
The Airmic objective to drive the integration of managing risk and insurance is moving in a positive direction, demonstrated by the increase in those who have joint responsibility for managing both risk and insurance. Environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues have become an integral part of the risk profession – 45% of survey respondents also have responsibilities in ESG.
[Free to read upon sharing contact details] Is it now easier to be a whistleblower in the City? Are financial service workers now better treated following the introduction of Whistleblowing Rules? This presents research into the experience of whistleblowing in the financial services sector. At that time the financial crash and Libor scandal raised the question – why hadn’t whistleblowers come forward with concerns?
Airmic,WTW, 19th May 2022
Employee benefits have not always been a priority for full inclusion within the enterprise risk management strategy. This is changing through recognition of the real advantages to the organisation that can be achieved by doing so.
McKinsey & Co, 17th March 2022
The article begins with a perspective on the short- and midterm disruptions and then frame scenarios for the potential impact on livelihoods in Europe, in the belief that some guidelines to bound uncertainty are better than none at all. As conditions change, we will adjust. We conclude with some reflections on implications for business leaders as they navigate yet another crisis.
International Committee of the Red Cross
Residents in the Donbas area and elsewhere have already endured eight years of conflict. But now the intensification and spread of the conflict throughout the country risks a scale of death and destruction that are frightening to contemplate, given the immense military capacities involved.
Control Risks, 28th April 2022
A key challenge in any ESG or sustainability practice is ensuring that corporate and on-the-ground teams are aligned, operating towards a common vision. This challenge can be particularly complex in the application of responsible practices to security structures and arrangements. However, it is possible to overcome, and doing so successfully will be a key achievement for security teams.