Click here for the Friday Reading Search, a searchable archive of reading and knowledge resources

Since March 2020, Airmic has been issuing Friday Reading, a curated series of readings and knowledge resources sent by email to Airmic members. The objective of Airmic Friday Reading was initially to keep members informed during the Covid-19 pandemic. Today, Airmic Friday Reading has evolved in scope to include content on a wide range of subjects with each email edition following a theme. This page is a searchable archive of all the readings and knowledge resources that have been shared.

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Friday Reading Edition 47 (26th February 2021)
Reflecting on the past year, 2020 has demonstrated the absolute necessity of risk-based decision-making in achieving our strategies, especially when confronting volatile scenarios and global risk impacts. The 2021 IRMSA Risk Report unpacks these learnings as well as the competencies we need to be successful and risk resilient organisations. It highlights the integrated strategic risk and resilience mindset.
World Economic Forum, 25th January 2021
Friday Reading Edition 43 (29th January 2021)
This Leadership Panel examines how to restore growth, with recommendations on how businesses and governments can collaborate more effectively on a new economic agenda that enhances productivity, sustainability and shared prosperity in 2021.
Airmic, 20th January 2021
Friday Reading Edition 43 (29th January 2021)
Lasting effects of the Covid-19 pandemic pose a long-term risk to the global cooperation needed to address the long-term challenges such as environmental degradation and social fragmentation.
World Economic Forum, 19th January 2021
Friday Reading Edition 42 (22nd January 2021)
Also released this week, the 16th edition of the WEF’s Global Risks Report, produced in partnership with Marsh McLennan, SK Group and Zurich, analyses the risks from societal fractures—manifested through persistent and emerging risks to human health, rising unemployment, widening digital divides, youth disillusionment, and geopolitical fragmentation.
EIU, 17th December 2020
Friday Reading Edition 42 (22nd January 2021)
In EIU’s latest global outlook video, Agathe Demarais, Nicholas Fitzroy and Alessandro Cugnasca discuss the outlook for the euro zone and top risks for the global economy in 2021.
Swiss Re, 8th April 2020
Friday Reading Edition 38 (11th December 2020)
[Free to read upon providing contact details] Warmer temperatures are expected to lead to growing frequency of severe weather events, and that these will make an increasing contribution to rising losses in the coming decades. The impacts manifest most notably in more intense secondary peril events, which are smaller to mid-sized events or the secondary effects of a primary peril.
McKinsey & Co, 12th November 2020
Friday Reading Edition 35 (20th November 2020)
American capitalism faces the question of the nature and degree of change necessary to ensure growth and prosperity for all in the 21st century. It has evolved time and again, and we may be poised for another such shift. Will the future of capitalism involve tweaks, reforms, or wholesale change?
PwC, 1st September 2020
Friday Reading Edition 31 (23rd October 2020)
One of the most challenging aspects of Brexit has been the search for an appropriate solution to the movement of goods, people and data between Great Britain, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. This podcast discusses the implications of the Northern Ireland Protocol and the ‘three C’s’: complexity, costs and the commercial opportunities for businesses. Also available on Apple
Aon, 26th August 2020
Friday Reading Edition 30 (16th October 2020)
The IP asset class typically does very well in recessions, because crises can lead to the creation of new IP, as companies develop creative solutions for tough times. Companies can maximise value from their existing IP portfolio to explore new ways to increase enterprise value overall.
WTW, 8th September 2020
Friday Reading Edition 25 (11th September 2020)
This report provides a vivid scenario narrative of how the compromises made at the summit (and after) could re-shape business risks and business competition in Europe.