Click here for the Friday Reading Search, a searchable archive of reading and knowledge resources

Since March 2020, Airmic has been issuing Friday Reading, a curated series of readings and knowledge resources sent by email to Airmic members. The objective of Airmic Friday Reading was initially to keep members informed during the Covid-19 pandemic. Today, Airmic Friday Reading has evolved in scope to include content on a wide range of subjects with each email edition following a theme. This page is a searchable archive of all the readings and knowledge resources that have been shared.

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Airmic,Marsh, 15th October 2021
Friday Reading Edition 80 (29th October 2021)
The reality is that if you’re not going to assess your ESG risk, someone else will. We anticipate that ESG will in time become part of the regular risk management and reporting of all organisations – some more swiftly than others. Now is the time for you to bring your ERM expertise into the ESG strategy conversations.
Aviva, 1st November 2021
Friday Reading Edition 79 (22nd October 2021)
This report is report designed to help UK businesses understand the unique risks they face and plan for the future. It found unsurprisingly that public health events topped businesses' key risks followed by changes in legislation and business interruption.
National Preparedness Commission (NPC), 1st September 2021
Friday Reading Edition 79 (22nd October 2021)
This report commissioned by the NPC and written by Lianna Roast of the Disaster Management Centre at Bournemouth University, looks at how lessons from major incidents can be translated in to real-world change and asks how human psychology can best support our society to ensure lessons from past events are learnt.
Airmic,ACCA,Crawford,Lockton,University of Oxford Saïd Business School, 21st October 2021
Friday Reading Edition 78 (15th October 2021)
The fourth publication in our acclaimed “Roads to” thought leadership series is focused on the concept of corporate purpose within a shifting business and risk environment. Corporate purpose has risen up the agenda over the past decade. Roads to Repurposing is an in-depth examination of the concept, aimed at business leaders, policymakers and risk professionals. The report looks at what is being covered under the label ‘corporate purpose’ and ‘repurposing’, why these ideas have acquired such an urgency within the business world, and how companies are applying and using them to improve their business performance and manage risk.
Airmic,Arthur D. Little,QBE, 6th October 2021
Friday Reading Edition 78 (15th October 2021)
Part of the Airmic EXPLAINED series of guides, this guide provides an introduction to the concept of risk appetite and addresses the myths, and the links with culture, maturity and sustainability. Defining and implementing risk appetite (often also referred to as a risk attitude) is a strategic activity that involves the Board and top management, as it must be aligned with strategic objectives, and requires consensus and engagement from the organisation’s leadership. This guide is essential reading for those new to the risk management profession, or for those who find themselves with a responsibility for risk management as part of a wider role.
ISO, 1st September 2021
Friday Reading Edition 77 (1st October 2021)
[Requires purchase of the standard] This document gives guidance on the governance of organizations. It provides principles and key aspects of practices to guide governing bodies and governing groups on how to meet their responsibilities so that the organizations they govern can fulfil their purpose. It is also intended for stakeholders involved in, or impacted by, the organization and its governance.
KPMG, 22nd June 2021
Friday Reading Edition 77 (1st October 2021)
Clare Payn, Senior Global ESG and Diversity Manager at LGIM, to discuss investor priorities and the role that institutional investors play in driving enhancements in corporate reporting more broadly. Clare provides her insights into the key ESG themes that investors have been focusing on in the current AGM season including climate risk, TCFD reporting and Paris-aligned targets. [Podcast]
Zurich, 7th September 2021
Friday Reading Edition 76 (24th September 2021)
Zurich’s new report, Closing the gap on climate action, explores the actions that both business leaders and policymakers should be taking to help achieve a net-zero economy.
McLarens, 15th November 2021
Friday Reading Edition 75 (17th September 2021)
[Free to read upon providing contact details] This recorded webinar covers the issues of food production and government subsidies to feed the nation, climate change and carbon neutral targets shaping agriculture, and technology developments changing production processes.
Marsh, 21st July 2021
Friday Reading Edition 73 (3rd September 2021)
To guide energy and power businesses in their risk management plans, members of Marsh’s Energy and Power Practice led a webcast on ESG messaging, why it is important, and how to communicate your ESG approach to insurers.