Click here for the Friday Reading Search, a searchable archive of reading and knowledge resources

Since March 2020, Airmic has been issuing Friday Reading, a curated series of readings and knowledge resources sent by email to Airmic members. The objective of Airmic Friday Reading was initially to keep members informed during the Covid-19 pandemic. Today, Airmic Friday Reading has evolved in scope to include content on a wide range of subjects with each email edition following a theme. This page is a searchable archive of all the readings and knowledge resources that have been shared.

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Friday Reading Edition 28 (2nd October 2020)
Nataliya Todorova examines the need for a holistic approach to risk management, risk reduction and risk financing of natural disasters, and the critical role of the risk professional in analysing these risks and putting together mitigation and financing strategies, with a case study of Bulgaria and the European Union.
Friday Reading Edition 28 (2nd October 2020)
Hermione Winterton was awarded the distinction of best dissertation by the Airmic assessment panel for the 2019 Airmic Leadership Programme. In this winning paper, she explores the phenomenon of groupthink, and examines research on the power of diversity of thought, before making some recommendations on what corporate boards need to do to adopt it.
Hays, 13th July 2020
Friday Reading Edition 26 (18th September 2020)
Diversity and inclusion specialist Charlotte Sweeney OBE shares her advice to help leaders do just that, throughout each stage of the COVID-19 crisis and beyond. [podcast & article]
PwC, 1st June 2020
Friday Reading Edition 26 (18th September 2020)
The situation on gender pay gap, in the context of the UK government suspending the deadline for 2019/20 gender pay gap reporting due to the impact of Covid-19 on employers.
McKinsey & Co, 19th May 2020
Friday Reading Edition 26 (18th September 2020)
The business case for inclusion and diversity (I&D) is stronger than ever. Taking a closer look at diversity winners reveals what can drive real progress.
The Economist
Friday Reading Edition 26 (18th September 2020)
Blind recruiting is a trending topic in HR. Products range from software that crafts gender-free vacancy announcements to platforms that facilitate blind job auditions. All claim to be the key to merit-based recruitment. But will they work?
McKinsey & Co, 13th August 2020
Friday Reading Edition 25 (11th September 2020)
Mike Henry, CEO at BHP, explains the importance of social value in decision making and why relationships lie at the heart of business resilience.
World Economic Forum,WTW, 19th August 2020
Friday Reading Edition 24 (4th September 2020)
This paper provides a framework to enable a company to monitor and assess the return on its investments in its employees. It also provides guidance for how chief human resources officers, boards and policy-makers can mainstream this framework in order to shape a better approach to human capital.
Friday Reading Edition 23 (28th August 2022)
[Free to view upon providing contact details] A thought-provoking webinar with a panel of modern governance professionals who share their insights into how the role of governance professionals is changing – and where it needs to evolve further – to best position organisations for success. [recorded webinar]
Donnelley Financial Solutions (DFIN)
Friday Reading Edition 23 (28th August 2024)
[Free to read upon registering an account with Corporate Secretary] Covid-19 is proving to be a game changer for corporate executives, directors, and others responsible for overseeing ESG risks. This pandemic is underscoring the significance of issues as diverse as how the impact of climate change and efforts to promote sustainability, supply chains, and executive compensation.