Click here for the Friday Reading Search, a searchable archive of reading and knowledge resources

Since March 2020, Airmic has been issuing Friday Reading, a curated series of readings and knowledge resources sent by email to Airmic members. The objective of Airmic Friday Reading was initially to keep members informed during the Covid-19 pandemic. Today, Airmic Friday Reading has evolved in scope to include content on a wide range of subjects with each email edition following a theme. This page is a searchable archive of all the readings and knowledge resources that have been shared.

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Friday Reading Edition 22 (21st August 2020)
[Free to read upon providing contact details] This guide to loneliness in the workplace looks at how employers can help to resolve loneliness as part of their social wellbeing strategies, as well as fifteen tips for combatting loneliness at work.
Friday Reading Edition 22 (21st August 2020)
[Free to read upon providing contact details] Junior professionals are more likely to have been significantly affected by the Covid-19 crisis, posing a risk to their financial prospects, career progression and wellbeing. This guide provides practical strategies employers can use to address the risks and ensure their talent pipeline is secured.
Swiss Re, 4th June 2020
Friday Reading Edition 21 (14th August 2020)
[Free to read upon providing contact details] Swiss Re’s annual SONAR report looks at the top emerging risks, including increased use of edge computing, vaping and e-cigarette addiction, and declining mental health among teenagers and young adults.
QBE, 12th June 2020
Friday Reading Edition 18 (24th July 2020)
Employers will need to be sensitive to the challenges faced by their workers and will need to plan and organise their start-up to take into account human factors, which may predicate the potential for increased accidents and incidents.
McKinsey & Co, 9th June 2020
Friday Reading Edition 16 (10th July 2020)
This article from McKinsey discusses how post-pandemic recovery will depend on saving lives, sustaining livelihoods, and importantly supporting the quality of life too.
Mercer, 1st April 2020
Friday Reading Edition 16 (10th July 2020)
Tips on the ergonomics of your workstation to video conferencing.
Nuffield Health
Friday Reading Edition 16 (10th July 2020)
[Free to read upon registration of details] This white paper presents a systematic review on studies of remote working between 1995 and 2019 to identify the benefits, challenges and importantly, considerations an employer should take on board when offering remote or flexible working within their business.
BSI’s safe working guidelines have just been enhanced and extended, based on the best and latest information to help prevent a second wave.
As we move to a new era of work, many managers will need to coordinate ‘hybrid’ teams working on different schedules – with some working different set hours and others working remotely.
This series of podcasts from Zurich examines building reopening and machinery restarting, school reopening, returning to the workplace, and construction project restart, to support businesses through the coronavirus outbreak.