Click here for the Friday Reading Search, a searchable archive of reading and knowledge resources

Since March 2020, Airmic has been issuing Friday Reading, a curated series of readings and knowledge resources sent by email to Airmic members. The objective of Airmic Friday Reading was initially to keep members informed during the Covid-19 pandemic. Today, Airmic Friday Reading has evolved in scope to include content on a wide range of subjects with each email edition following a theme. This page is a searchable archive of all the readings and knowledge resources that have been shared.

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Airmic,Control Risks,KPMG,Marsh,QBE,Sedgwick, 19th October 2021
Friday Reading Edition 80 (29th October 2021)
Risks associated with the pandemic have changed the risk profile of the world. While the disease and pandemics don’t make it into the top five risks of the 2021 Airmic survey, risk connectivity means that every risk in the Airmic top ten has been and continues to be touched by the pandemic and its systemic effect.
Airmic,Marsh, 15th October 2021
Friday Reading Edition 80 (29th October 2021)
The reality is that if you’re not going to assess your ESG risk, someone else will. We anticipate that ESG will in time become part of the regular risk management and reporting of all organisations – some more swiftly than others. Now is the time for you to bring your ERM expertise into the ESG strategy conversations.
Airmic,Control Risks, 14th October 2021
Friday Reading Edition 80 (29th October 2021)
Ransomware attacks have continued hitting the headlines, and has rapidly become the key cyber threat to organisations globally. This despite an increasingly active and disruptive geopolitical threat picture with individual organisations, global supply chains and critical infrastructure also increasingly targeted by state-linked actors.
Airmic,QBE, 13th October 2021
Friday Reading Edition 80 (29th October 2021)
If there is one positive to be had from Covid, it is that Airmic members now consider their organisations to be more agile and adaptable than they were before. This is important as planning and executing in uncertainty is no longer the exception, and operating flexible and adaptable business models is critical to success.
Airmic,McGill and Partners, 7th October 2021
Friday Reading Edition 78 (15th October 2021)
A new guide, this addresses 12 frequently asked questions associated with D&O coverage, posed from a director’s perspective. The Guide aims to provide an insider’s guide to directors’ and officers’ liability insurance (D&O) for end users, and for board members in particular. Twelve questions make up the core of the guide, focusing on practical issues that commonly arise. Although designed to be answered by reference to specific policy wordings, the answers are intended to provide general guidance as to the likely position, subject to the significant caveat that no two D&O policies are the same.
Financial Reporting Council (FRC), 1st September 2021
Friday Reading Edition 77 (1st October 2021)
Companies seek to seize and deliver on opportunities that create long-term value that are aligned to their purpose. But every opportunity and every action (or inaction) has an associated risk. Investing is as much about assessing the risk as the related opportunity. This means that all organisations have a story to tell on these topics to investors, regulators and other stakeholders. But is this story clear, is it connected and does it reflect the organisation’s processes?
Verisk, 22nd June 2021
On a new framework for climate risk modeling, rooted in high quality data and deep domain knowledge of weather and climate physics, and which will allow us to answer not only today’s new climate questions, but also tomorrow’s.
Control Risks, 14th June 2021
The digital technologies and systems created today are introducing both far-reaching opportunities and challenges alike for security professionals and business leaders. This makes it more and more crucial to adopt a holistic view of how the intertwined global digital ecosystem of tomorrow may impact your organisation and its security. Fine tuning risk management strategies to navigate these shifting tides in the global digital threat landscape is essential.
Project Management Institute, 23rd October 2012
Many people have been trying to understand the nature of hard-to-detect risks or uncertainties. After Donald Rumsfeld inadvertently coined “unknown unknowns”, people started using quadrants of knowledge (i.e., known known, known unknown, unknown known, and unknown unknown) to understand and explain the nature of risk. But this study reveals that many of them were not truly unidentifiable. This study develops and suggests a model to characterise risks, especially unidentified ones.
Control Risks, 16th April 2021
Friday Reading Edition 63 (18th June 2021)
Although hydrogen has been touted as a potential alternative to fossil fuels for almost half a century, it has only recently started to attract more concerted attention as governments rapidly seek to ramp up their decarbonisation efforts.