Click here for the Friday Reading Search, a searchable archive of reading and knowledge resources

Since March 2020, Airmic has been issuing Friday Reading, a curated series of readings and knowledge resources sent by email to Airmic members. The objective of Airmic Friday Reading was initially to keep members informed during the Covid-19 pandemic. Today, Airmic Friday Reading has evolved in scope to include content on a wide range of subjects with each email edition following a theme. This page is a searchable archive of all the readings and knowledge resources that have been shared.

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Airmic, 31st March 2021
Friday Reading Edition 52 (1st April 2021)
[For Airmic members only] Held in conjunction with the launch of the guide on terrorism risk insurance above, this session will help you recognise the scope of the definition of terrorism on a policy, identify what else your organisation could be exposed to from a terrorist event, besides physical losses, and understand the potential short- and long-term impacts of different types of terrorist events on your organisation, so as to define what type of coverages might be needed.
Airmic, 14th December 2020
Friday Reading Edition 51 (26th March 2021)
Facing a tough economic outlook, high-quality companies are likely to be preferred by stakeholders. The use of ESG information has been increasingly part of stakeholder assessment of organisations. This session will consider a selection of key factors that are likely to be material next year through the lenses of ‘E’, ‘S’ and ‘G’.
Airmic, 12th August 2020
Friday Reading Edition 44 (5th February 2021)
Complex global supply chains are sensitive to disruption, as we have seen in such cases as earthquakes, political unrest and most recently COVID-19. If insured, the handling of the resulting business interruption (BI) claim is influenced by not only the policy wording, but also by the different claims processes incorporating market structure, number of participants and best practices applied, writes Christian Skodczinski, Partner, Baker Tilly.
Kogan Page, 3rd April 2015
Friday Reading Edition 40 (8th January 2021)
[Purchase required] Dr. Keith Blacker and Dr. Patrick McConnell explains the concept of people risk and enables the reader to consider it within the context of their own organisation, flagging up the human factors that may not have been considered, and encourages managers and practitioners to take a more focused approach to people management.
Marsh, 8th December 2020
Friday Reading Edition 38 (11th December 2020)
As local authorities grapple with another season of winter floods amid the growing realisation that we are living with climate change, Dr Bev Adams, Head of Visual Intelligence and CAT Planning at Marsh Risk Consulting, explains how local authorities can increase long-term resilience with minimal extra cost.
Airmic, 13th November 2020
Friday Reading Edition 35 (20th November 2020)
Airmic's resident geopolitical expert Alex Frost and Dr Carrie Nordlund, Associate Director at the Annenberg Institute, Brown University, to discuss the results of the US presidential election, the current state of play and what this all means for geopolitical risks.
Airmic,Paragon, 11th November 2020
Friday Reading Edition 33 (6th November 2020)
With events such as the WannaCry ransomware attack of 2017, which has been classified as a cyber catastrophe event, a number of silent cyber issues have developed into very public property policy coverage disputes. Lyndsey Bauer, Partner at Paragon, provides an overview of silent cyber and the responses that insureds should take going forward.
Fenchurch Law, 16th October 2020
Friday Reading Edition 33 (6th November 2020)
Hot on the heels of the FCA Test Case judgment, on 15 October 2020, the Commercial Court granted summary judgment in favour of Allianz Insurance Plc, in a case brought by The Kensington Creperie (TKC) seeking coverage of its BI losses arising from enforced closure in the wake of the pandemic.
McKinsey & Co, 19th November 2020
Friday Reading Edition 31 (23rd October 2020)
Brexit has disrupted both supply of and demand for talent in the United Kingdom. In the context of such a major shift, it is essential that companies revise their long-term approach to talent.
CBI, 21st October 2020
Friday Reading Edition 31 (23rd October 2020)
A CBI webinar from this past Wednesday, looking at the impact the end of transition will have on businesses and their suppliers, customers and employees, as well as practical insights to prepare businesses for the first few months of 2021