Click here for the Friday Reading Search, a searchable archive of reading and knowledge resources

Since March 2020, Airmic has been issuing Friday Reading, a curated series of readings and knowledge resources sent by email to Airmic members. The objective of Airmic Friday Reading was initially to keep members informed during the Covid-19 pandemic. Today, Airmic Friday Reading has evolved in scope to include content on a wide range of subjects with each email edition following a theme. This page is a searchable archive of all the readings and knowledge resources that have been shared.

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The Economist , 16th November 2020
Friday Reading Edition 35 (20th November 2020)
US-China relations after Trump – disappointment awaits businesses who hope to see Joe Biden rushing to cancel the tariffs that Donald Trump imposed on imports from China. To maintain leverage, Biden has an interest in dismantling Trump’s trade barriers only cautiously.
Airmic, 13th November 2020
Friday Reading Edition 35 (20th November 2020)
Airmic's resident geopolitical expert Alex Frost and Dr Carrie Nordlund, Associate Director at the Annenberg Institute, Brown University, to discuss the results of the US presidential election, the current state of play and what this all means for geopolitical risks.
CBI, 21st October 2020
Friday Reading Edition 31 (23rd October 2020)
A CBI webinar from this past Wednesday, looking at the impact the end of transition will have on businesses and their suppliers, customers and employees, as well as practical insights to prepare businesses for the first few months of 2021
FERMA, 5th March 2020
Friday Reading Edition 31 (23rd October 2020)
Whatever Brexit deal is ultimately delivered, the handling of cross border disputes between the UK and EU looks set to change. Risk professionals should consider arbitration as part of their decision matrix at the time contracts are drafted and commenced.
Institute of Directors (IoD), 5th October 2020
Friday Reading Edition 29 (9th October 2020)
A survey by the IoD shows that the coronavirus looks set to have a lasting impact on office use –nearly three quarters of respondents said they would be keeping increased home-working after the pandemic.
Airmic, 27th September 2020
Friday Reading Edition 28 (2nd October 2020)
Host Richard Cutcher speaks to the authors of the three papers about their dissertations on boardroom diversity, climate change resilience and parametric products.
Friday Reading Edition 28 (2nd October 2020)
Nataliya Todorova examines the need for a holistic approach to risk management, risk reduction and risk financing of natural disasters, and the critical role of the risk professional in analysing these risks and putting together mitigation and financing strategies, with a case study of Bulgaria and the European Union.
McKinsey & Co, 10th September 2020
Friday Reading Edition 25 (11th September 2020)
Ten actions from which a path to emerge stronger, 6 months into the COVID-19 pandemic – not only do leaders need to act now, they need to act boldly.
WTW, 8th September 2020
Friday Reading Edition 25 (11th September 2020)
This report provides a vivid scenario narrative of how the compromises made at the summit (and after) could re-shape business risks and business competition in Europe.
HM Treasury, 11th March 2020
Friday Reading Edition 20 (7th August 2020)
This report sets out proposals for improving the management of guarantees and insurance provided by government to reduce cost and risk to taxpayers.