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Preferred Service Provider
BPL is the world’s leading broker specialising exclusively in credit and political risk insurance (CPRI) for multinational corporations, financial institutions (FIs), investors and public agencies

From infrastructure finance to commodities and renewables finance, we work closely with clients across the world economy to structure insurance programmes that enable capital management and mobilisation and accelerate international trade, investment, and lending.

With over 40 years’ experience, the largest broking team in the market, an annual premium volume of US$ 700 million and a market share of 20%, we are widely regarded as the principal CPRI broker by clients and peers alike. Our on-the-ground presence in the main insurance hubs across the world – London, Paris, New York, Geneva, Singapore and Hong Kong – also positions us to capitalise on our dynamic and competitive market for our clients.

The BPL Advantage

Our business was founded in 1983 when the CPRI market was in its infancy. Since then, we have developed unrivalled knowledge and expertise of our market and product through working with our global client base, which includes some of the world’s largest corporate groups.

We support with arranging political risk insurance for investments, assets, and global property portfolios, as well as providing political violence insurance to cover areas typically excluded from a standard property insurance policy. Our expert team guides clients through the diverse array of available coverages, provide bespoke wordings to suit individual needs, and structure programmes effectively to achieve the best possible pricing and coverage for complex, multi-peril placements.

As an independent employee-owned broker, we do not have obligations to insurers or any other parties in conflict with that role. We pride ourselves on being insurer-agnostic, working entirely in the best interests of our clients.

CPRI Solutions for businesses

We work with clients across all sectors and geographies to design and place insurance programmes that suit their individual requirements. Broadly, our solutions cover:

Investment Insurance: Designed to protect clients’ foreign investments, and typically provides coverage for expropriation, political violence, currency inconvertibility and breach of contract or arbitration award default.

Political Violence and Political Risk Insurance: Structured to cover both physical damage and subsequent business interruption across the Political Violence spectrum; from riot and terrorism to revolution and war. In addition, clients can also access cover for areas that are typically excluded from regular Political Violence policies, including extended “war risks” insurance for land-based property that incorporates abandonment, capture, confiscation, and seizure.

BPL can arrange either short duration policies for temporary exposures such as events, or longer-term durations for construction projects. We are flexible in our approach and can also assist in obtaining wrap around or contingent cover for government-backed programmes, pools or mutuals, where necessary. 

Interested in hearing about how we can help you? Get in touch

Find out more about what sets us apart at or follow us on LinkedIn at @BPL

44 (0)20 7375 9600
52 Lime Street
London, EC3M 7AF
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