Fiona Davidge elected as Chair of Airmic

Published on Fri, 20/09/2024 - 09:54

Fiona Davidge was elected as Chair of Airmic at the Airmic Annual General Meeting on 10 September.  Fiona is the Head of Corporate Risk at the House of Commons but with effect from 1 October 2024 she takes over as Head of Risk and Insurance at The Royal British Legion.

Fiona succeeds Angela Iannetta of BAT who remains on the Airmic Executive and following the retirement from the Executive of Tim Graham, is joined by Julia Graham, Airmic CEO, Richard Hoult, Head of Risk and Internal Audit at Portakabin, and Alison Quinlivan, Head of International Insurance and Captives at Google.

Fiona said: “None of us can say what the next 12 months exactly holds for us, individually, as businesses, or as a society. What we do know is that the degree of uncertainty will remain high – and continue to keep the spotlight shining on the importance of managing risk and understanding both emerging threats and opportunities – which will require us all to be agile and responsive to change”.

She spoke of the fantastic value Airmic offers for Members and the broader community, with support from Partners, in a wide range of topics in the risk management and risk financing universe.

“We are working to increase that value and its reach by targeting material growth in the number of Airmic Members, including in the mid-market and beyond the UK, strengthening our relationships and collaboration with other key professional bodies, ensuring our voice is heard by government and regulators, developing Airmic special interest groups, and increasing our focus and presence in the UK regions”.

The Airmic team has some new faces who will be helping to develop the Airmic membership experience, develop new learning courses, and champion innovative technology and risk financing solutions. “It is an exciting time to be working as part of Airmic, with our Members and our Partners; I look forward to offering all the support I can provide and I am proud to be taking over as Chair”.

Julia Graham, Airmic CEO, said: “Since 1963, Airmic has emerged as the vibrant, respected, and diverse association it is today. Our Purpose and Mission continue to drive our strategic ambitions, supported by our  ‘North Star’ focused on membership and partners”.

We recognise that new tools and techniques are essential for organisations and their risk professionals to help forecast and assess the effects of uncertainty and to protect and create value – and that talent with the right knowledge and skills will be needed. Airmic continues to develop thought leadership and technical guidance, informed by the opinions of our Members, Partners, and other stakeholders delivered through our learning agenda, webinars, events, communications, and communities – as the leading-edge association for the profession.

Going forward we will remain committed, ambitious, and outspoken as the voice of the profession.