Early warnings do work - why whistleblowing is important

Published on Sun, 27/02/2022 - 09:37

Sound whistleblowing arrangements are some of the cheapest and best risk management an organisation can have, according to Liz Gardiner.  

Liz is the Chief Executive of Protect, the UK whistleblowing charity of which Airmic CEO Julia Graham became a trustee in December 2021. Its aim is to stop harm by encouraging safe whistleblowing.

Originally called Public Concern at Work when it began in 1993, Protect was the first whistleblowing charity in the UK. Since then, it has handled 45,000 cases, and its legal advice line supports around 3000 whistleblowers each year.

Protect wants people to be able to report their concerns about harmful practices at work in a way that avoids conflict and protects their jobs, careers and health. This means not only looking after individuals but also promoting sound policies and procedures in organisations.

Liz explains that if organisations welcome people speaking up, then they have an early warning system for issues that can hurt corporate reputation or cause serious financial damage.

“If you get the process right, you create an environment where people want to work. It can help you recruit good staff because people are looking at so-called “soft” factors like this when they choose where to apply. If you get whistleblowing wrong and don’t listen or respond to concerns your staff raise, the consequences can be legal, financial or regulatory, and the process can take years to resolve.”

 Protect has just launched its impact report showing what it has been like to be a whistleblower, and it’s also working with a broad group of employers on a best practice guide to prevent victimisation of whistleblowers. Liz says there are organisations which are developing very high standards, and she hopes the publication, which will be launched in April, will interest to Airmic members.

Given the value of whistleblowing to risk management, Liz says Julia’s role as a trustee of Protect is a natural fit. “Julia’s experience in terms of risk management and years in the sector align really closely with our interest. She understands that managing risk properly is core to a business and that a good whistleblowing policy is a cheap form of risk management.”

Julia endorses this view and adds, “It is also possible that a risk manager could become a whistleblower, which is another good reason why I am so pleased to be a trustee of Protect.”

For advice and business support: https://protect-advice.org.uk/