Airmic and The Institutes have joined forces to support members in developing risk management knowledge and achieving risk management qualifications. For more than a century The Institutes have worked in the education space of insurance and in more recent years have used their success as a platform from which to create education programmes in risk management. More than 37,000 professionals globally now hold The Institutes' designation of Associate in Risk Management, ARM or ARM-E, the enterprise risk management equivalent.
This collaboration is a new relationship for Airmic as it seeks to promote the professional development needed to equip risk managers with the core risk management knowledge they need to face the future. The association's chair Lynda Lucas told the annual conference that members had requested a greater emphasis by Airmic on Enterprise Risk Management. The ARM-E designation specifically delivers on this request.
At their core, the words "profession" and "professional" are indicators of trust and expertise. Professional expertise is a mixture of natural talents, knowledge, behaviours and practised skills, developed as a risk professional travels their professional journey. The Airmic professional journey involves attainment of technical competencies, application of technical competencies in a business environment, development of business knowledge and an ability to operate as a leader at a strategic level.
Julia Graham Airmic deputy CEO and Technical Director commented, "The partnership between The Institutes and Airmic provides Airmic members with easy access to relevant and competitively priced technical education leading to a globally recognised designation".
Airmic members will be offered access to The Institutes' risk management programmes with a unique discount. Watch out for access to these programmes to be made available via the Airmic website.
Airmic will continue to work with the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) to support Airmic members on their insurance professional journey.