8th October 2024

Nearly three-quarters of respondents in this week’s Airmic Big Question said the UK’s data protection and cybersecurity measures should match the European Union’s. This month is the deadline for EU member states to transpose into national law the NIS2 Directive, which is the EU’s legislation on cybersecurity. NIS2 provides measures to boost the overall level of cybersecurity in the EU, for instance, in ensuring a culture of security across critical sectors for the economy and society that rely on technology.

The UK will not be implementing the EU's NIS2, but the new Labour government is planning its own reform to data protection and cybersecurity practices for the UK.

Julia Graham, CEO of Airmic, said: “Cyberattacks are not hindered by national borders, so it is understandable that Airmic members are keen for the UK’s regulatory requirements on data protection and cybersecurity match the EU’s, post-Brexit.”

The UK currently uses the NIS 1 Directive, in force since 2018 as the Network and Information Systems Regulations 2018 (NIS Regulations). Compared to NIS 1, the EU’s NIS 2 places more importance on organisations proactively managing risks introduced by third parties.

Hoe-Yeong Loke, Head of Research, Airmic, said: “A majority of Airmic members believe the UK should align with EU regulations, or at least be similar enough, so as to maintain the current adequacy decision for EU data to continue to be shared with businesses in the UK. Businesses that operate in the EU, or which process EU data, will need to comply with EU regulations. If the UK adopts similar requirements, it will make it easier for businesses and organisations to comply with both.”

Airmic's Business Networking Event in Belfast on 15 October will cover emerging cyber threats among other issues impacting risk professionals, to be followed by Airmic’s Island of Ireland Conference in Dublin on 6 November.

Leigh-Anne Slade, Head of Media, Communications and Interest Groups, Airmic, said: “Airmic’s business networking events and special interest groups have been a valuable forum for risk professionals to share experiences, pain points and good practice. Airmic members are looking at the EU’s NIS2 Directive, and how UK regulations would respond, as regards how cross-border business can be better facilitated in these challenging macroeconomic conditions today.”

If you would like to request an interview and or have any further questions, please let me know.

We will be sharing the results of the Airmic Big Question with the press weekly.

You can also find the results here.

Media contact: Leigh Anne Slade
Head of Media, Communications and Interest Groups, Airmic
07956 41 78 77