Airmic News

Press Area

Press Area

Airmic provides a 24/7 media service, giving information and comment to journalists on topics relevant to risk management and corporate insurance. We also produce contributed articles. Please contact Leigh-Anne Slade,

Press releases

7th September 2017

Airmic, the association that represents UK risk managers and insurance buyers in some of the largest organisations in the UK, has welcomed the proposed changes to the personal injury discount, as announced today by the Ministry of Justice. 

12th June 2017

Insurers and risk managers must work together to develop a new business model based on partnership if they are to retain value and relevance to businesses, according to a three-part analysis of the future of risk and insurance conducted by Airmic with AXA Corporate Solutions, Chubb and JLT Specialty.

12th June 2017

The risk management profession is undergoing unprecedented transformation in terms of its strategic influence and scope, as well as the nature of risks it is facing, major research into the views and experiences of risk and insurance managers has revealed.

12th June 2017

Organisations are not doing enough to ensure their travel risk strategies are fit for the 21st century realities of business travel and fulfil their legal duty of care, according to Airmic which today published a guide for risk professionals on travel risk management.

12th June 2017

Market practice has a long way to go before insurers, brokers and their customers take full advantage of the Insurance Act, ten months after it became law, according to a new report issued by Airmic. There are inconsistencies, uncertainties and potential shortcomings in the way the market and organisations have responded to the new regime, it says. 

12th June 2017

Airmic today announced plans to partner UK universities in an initiative designed to inject young talent into the risk management profession, develop the broader business skills of its membership and form academic liaisons. The association warned that the profession must do more to retain relevance in a changing world, or experience a talent gap.

8th June 2017

Cyber risk is a strategic issue in which risk managers should play a leading role, according to a report released today by Airmic, which also encourages organisations to revisit the cyber insurance market in light of significant events and market developments in the past 12 months.

5th April 2017

Airmic has announced the appointment of John Ludlow as chief executive of the association, to be effective from 13 June 2017. He has over 15 years’ experience in senior risk management positions and has been a director of Airmic since 2012, including a year as senior deputy chair.

Press contact

Leigh-Anne Slade
Head of Media, Communications and Interest Groups
07956 41 78 77