Unlocking Tomorrow’s Careers Today: Highlights from This Year’s Airmic Annual Conference Student Programme

Published on Thu, 20/06/2024 - 14:22

The Student Programme at this year’s Airmic conference was a great success, with over 30 attending from universities including Glasgow Caledonian, Ulster, Queen's Belfast, Nottingham, Strathclyde, and Kent.

The programme agenda was packed with sessions, including a detailed presentation on the Zurich graduate scheme, insights into career opportunities, with essential advice. Leading risk and insurance professionals shared their experience on the challenges and rewards available, as well as potential prospects.

Airmic is dedicated to building partnerships with universities, with an objective to connect academia and the profession.

Tamar Kalenderian, Learning Manager from Airmic, who hosted the students, was thrilled by their enthusiasm and feedback. “We recognise there's a growing talent gap, and the best way to bridge it and keep students engaged is by highlighting the exciting opportunities our profession offers,” said Kalenderian.

Elham Vosughi-Kia from the University of Nottingham commented, “Meeting professional leaders and discussing risk an insurance trends was invaluable. The conference and this programme offered deep learning and networking over the three days.” Benjamin Wightman from Glasgow Caledonian University added, “Attending this event was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

These experiences underscore the immense value of the programme, which provided not only learning and career insights but also facilitated meaningful connections with peers and professionals. We are eager to welcome more students next year and dive even deeper into the world of risk and insurance.

Did you know? There is an Airmic Bursary Scheme available for students attending the annual Airmic conference and who might find some financial support helpful. 

For more information on how you can join the student programme or apply for the bursary scheme, please contact Tamar Kalenderian at Tamar.Kalenderian@airmic.com.

Did you know? Membership of Airmic for students and academics is free, please contact nadeem.khan@airmic.com