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Effective risk management to halve your flood risk

29th November 2023 15:00 – 16:00

Risk managers are halving their flood risks and looking at effective risk management solutions for mitigating these risks.

Risk managers are using new data sources to support their decisions on real-time flood damage prevention.

They are embedding flood resilience across their processes effectively. This session will explain why multi-stakeholder engagement, managed, and implemented, is important and provide tips on how to do this successfully.

This will be of interest to risk managers of large organisations (including utility cos, property owners, infrastructure, construction, retail or any organisation that holds stock) where flood risk is on their agenda and ESG is a concern.

Grace Miller
– Account manager – Previsico
Dr Avi Baruch – Co-founder and COO – Previsico
With speakers from: United Utilities and WSP

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