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Corporate culture is defined as a ‘combination of the values, attitudes and behaviours manifested by a company in its operations and relations with its stakeholders.’. The prevailing culture will orient employees towards organisations risk and their own risk responsibilities. Therefore, risk managers should consider the impact of culture on the risks associated with their organisation’s people.
The Insurance Act officially became law on 12th February 2015. The Act seeks to amend the rules to reflect modern business practice. In particular it addresses the imbalance in rights and remedies, currently in favour of insurers. It will govern the placement of all commercial insurance in the UK, and will apply to policies incepted or renewed from 12 August 2016.
On the 23rd June 2016 the UK historically voted to leave the UK. Due to the uncertainty over the process for leaving the EU and what a post Brexit-UK will look like, ‘Brexit’ unsurprisingly will be on the list of principal risks for the majority of organisations.
Giving risk professionals a unique insight into Brexit related risks and mitigation strategies