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fastTrack: Understanding Business Models and Business Value

1st August 2024 10:00 – 11:00

Business models are frameworks that outline how a company defines, creates, delivers, and captures value - the benefits a company delivers to its stakeholders. Together, innovative business models and a strong focus on delivering business value are key to achieving competitive advantage and sustainable growth in the market. Risk professionals therefore need to engage with all parts of the business model in order to ensure risks are fully mitigated and opportunities taken advantage of. This webinar will provide you with a fundamental understanding of business models and value, their evolution in a world of disruption, and how business model risk needs to be avoided to ensure a business remains future-fit for the long term.

By the end of the session, you will be able to:

  • Define business value and how it can be created and destroyed.
  • Define business models, their evolution and their necessary adaptation in a changing world.
  • Consider your own organisation’s business model and whether it remains fit for purpose.
  • Determine the role of risk management in ensuring the organisation and business model is future-fit.

Speaker - Adam Ireland, Head of Learning, Airmic


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