Modern slavery is an umbrella term that encompasses human trafficking, slavery, servitude and the exploitation of people. It is estimated that 1 in 200 people are held in a form of modern slavery globally and a third of the profits of modern slavery are generated in developed countries, like the UK where it an increasingly growing crime. The presentation will go into more detail as to what modern slavery is and what it means for businesses today.
It's imperative for businesses to be involved in the fight against modern slavery for a number of reasons. Aside from the fact that it’s the ethical thing to do, society also increasingly expects businesses to respect human rights throughout their supply chains. Moreover, modern slavery is illegal under the UK Modern Slavery Act. Business that fail to adhere face regulatory fines, share-price impacts and reputational damage. By working collaboratively, businesses, government and civil society can reduce the incidence of modern slavery and disrupt the global operations of human traffickers.