Click here for the Friday Reading Search, a searchable archive of reading and knowledge resources

Since March 2020, Airmic has been issuing Friday Reading, a curated series of readings and knowledge resources sent by email to Airmic members. The objective of Airmic Friday Reading was initially to keep members informed during the Covid-19 pandemic. Today, Airmic Friday Reading has evolved in scope to include content on a wide range of subjects with each email edition following a theme. This page is a searchable archive of all the readings and knowledge resources that have been shared.

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Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), 22nd April 2022
Friday Reading Edition 117 (5th August 2022)
Ukrainians are likely to face persistent and intensifying public health challenges as a direct result of the conflict, compounding the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. The security and safety of healthcare facilities, workers, and supply lines remain paramount concerns. Disruptions to surveillance and treatment programs risk an eruption of infectious disease outbreaks.
Lloyd’s Register
Friday Reading Edition 117 (5th August 2022)
Released July 2022, this first report of the 2021 World Risk Poll, conducted with Gallup, provides new global insights that identify the differences between people’s thoughts about, and experiences of risk before and after the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. The findings can be used by governments, regulators, businesses, NGOs, and communities to target their policies and carry out meaningful interventions where it’s most needed.
Airmic , 25th July 2022
Simon Edwards, Technical Parametric Underwriter at Generali Global Corporate & Commercial, discussing how ESG principles can begin to be integrated into a corporate strategy.
Lloyd’s, 1st July 2022
Lloyd’s Futureset’s latest report, created in partnership with Aon, aims to provide insights on the medium to long term impacts of the Ukraine crisis on the risk landscape. The analysis is based on in-depth interviews with 75 sector experts and practitioners across Aon and Lloyd’s, each providing real-life, practical insights on the challenges that companies are facing today and how they are adjusting their risk management approaches in response.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), 10th June 2022
Russia and Ukraine are among the most important producers of agricultural commodities in the world. Both countries are net exporters of agricultural products and are leading suppliers of foodstuffs and fertilisers to global markets, where exportable supplies are often concentrated in a handful of countries. The high concentrations could increase the vulnerability of these markets to shocks and volatility.
ToTalent, 11th May 2022
A few years ago, candidate ghosting – when the job applicant simply disappears when an offer comes through – likely wouldn’t have made the top 10 of challenges for Talent Acquisition (TA) teams. But in recent years, everything has changed, according to a new survey.
People Management, 6th April 2022
People Management speaks to practitioners on the ground in Ukraine to find out what they and their organisations are doing to keep their people safe and supported.
[Free to read upon sharing contact details] 2022 research shows the greatest likelihood and impact of 25 workforce-related threats facing employers worldwide according to human resource (HR) professionals and risk managers.
The first six months of 2022 have been tumultuous to say the least, with war in Ukraine, surging energy prices, a rise in the cost of living and political change at the top all converging to create uncertainty that’s proving increasingly hard to navigate. Despite these disruptions, however, the UK labour market has remained strong, with demand in many industries stronger than it was even before the pandemic, and job vacancies seeing record highs.
Organisations are struggling to keep pace and will need to implement a variety of strategies to ensure they can successfully attract and retain the right people. The challenge facing employers is not to radically redesign workflows or business processes; rather, it’s to get back to the basics of the employee experience and adopt a people-first mentality.