Click here for the Friday Reading Search, a searchable archive of reading and knowledge resources

Since March 2020, Airmic has been issuing Friday Reading, a curated series of readings and knowledge resources sent by email to Airmic members. The objective of Airmic Friday Reading was initially to keep members informed during the Covid-19 pandemic. Today, Airmic Friday Reading has evolved in scope to include content on a wide range of subjects with each email edition following a theme. This page is a searchable archive of all the readings and knowledge resources that have been shared.

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Mercer, 1st April 2020
Friday Reading Edition 16 (10th July 2020)
Tips on the ergonomics of your workstation to video conferencing.
Airmic, 24th May 2020
BLM partners Julian Cox and Phillip Carney discuss life after lockdown – ensuring a safe working environment, as well as the risks, liabilities and insurance responsibilities in relation to secondments, and the possibility of the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) regulations (TUPE) becoming relevant.
As we move to a new era of work, many managers will need to coordinate ‘hybrid’ teams working on different schedules – with some working different set hours and others working remotely.
McKinsey & Co, 21st May 2020
Friday Reading Edition 9 (22nd May 2020)
This article from McKinsey outlines four forces whose uncertain outcomes will shape the years to come, as well as the steps needed to build the return muscle to grapple with these forces in the post-COVID-19 world.
Hays, 27th April 2020
Friday Reading Edition 9 (22nd May 2020)
Alistair Cox, CEO of Hays, shares some of the practical questions he and his leadership team have been asking themselves in the short term, as they start to think about helping employees make the transition back to the workplace after the COVID-19 lockdowns.
Airmic, 26th April 2020
Friday Reading Edition 9 (22nd May 2020)
In Episode 5 of Airmic Talks, Richard Cutcher speaks to Kevin Boscher, Chief Investment Officer at Ravenscroft, and John Ludlow, CEO of Airmic, about the shock to the UK and global economy from the pandemic.
Friday Reading Edition 8 (15th May 2020)
[Free to read upon registering contact details] This guide from Hays offers advice on considerations for now and for the future to facilitate getting your team back into the workplace and to establish your new way of working.
Marsh, 1st March 2020
Friday Reading Edition 5 (24th April 2020)
This report by Marsh provides an overview of some of the key coverage, claims, and risk management areas that are currently top of mind for businesses and insurers.
techUK, 16th March 2020
Friday Reading Edition 3 (9th April 2020)
Part of a series of insights on the resilience of technology to changing work patterns, this piece by techUK highlights several common cyber security risks which many organisations will need to manage.
Business Continuity Institute (BCI), 3rd April 2020
Friday Reading Edition 2 (3rd April 2020)
The BCI has found encouraging evidence of improvement in the actions taken by organisations in the fight against the coronavirus outbreak, while some organisations are also beginning to think about the pathway to recovery.