Click here for the Friday Reading Search, a searchable archive of reading and knowledge resources

Since March 2020, Airmic has been issuing Friday Reading, a curated series of readings and knowledge resources sent by email to Airmic members. The objective of Airmic Friday Reading was initially to keep members informed during the Covid-19 pandemic. Today, Airmic Friday Reading has evolved in scope to include content on a wide range of subjects with each email edition following a theme. This page is a searchable archive of all the readings and knowledge resources that have been shared.

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Oliver Wyman, 1st January 2018
Friday Reading Edition 23 (28th August 2020)
Who really owns the risk management framework in a bank? Is it the Chief Risk Officer? Is it so fundamental that it is a shared responsibility among the whole executive or senior leadership team? This guidance puts flesh on the bones of the ‘three lines of defence’ skeleton. 
Friday Reading Edition 23 (28th August 2022)
[Free to view upon providing contact details] A thought-provoking webinar with a panel of modern governance professionals who share their insights into how the role of governance professionals is changing – and where it needs to evolve further – to best position organisations for success. [recorded webinar]
Donnelley Financial Solutions (DFIN)
Friday Reading Edition 23 (28th August 2024)
[Free to read upon registering an account with Corporate Secretary] Covid-19 is proving to be a game changer for corporate executives, directors, and others responsible for overseeing ESG risks. This pandemic is underscoring the significance of issues as diverse as how the impact of climate change and efforts to promote sustainability, supply chains, and executive compensation.
Friday Reading Edition 23 (28th August 2023)
[Free to read upon registering an account with Corporate Secretary] Tips and best practices to improve your organization’s culture of cybersecurity, with a useful enhanced security culture checklist.
Airmic, 17th August 2020
Friday Reading Edition 22 (21st August 2020)
Paul Merrey and Arturs Kokins of KPMG discuss trust and reputation, the role of the risk professional in this area and the insurance options already available and currently in development, while Christopher Magee of AIG in the UK addresses the key areas of most concern to risk professionals in the areas of governance, laws and regulation.
Airmic, 2nd August 2020
Friday Reading Edition 20 (7th August 2020)
Cécile Fresneau of QBE discusses the resilience in an unpredictable year with reference to both the survey report and the QBE Unpredictability Index, while James Owen of Control Risks examines the cyber risk landscape, emerging threats in the present environment and growing internet sovereignty.
Airmic, 20th July 2020
Friday Reading Edition 18 (24th July 2020)
In the first of three episodes dedicated to Airmic's Top Risks & Megatrends 2020 report, host Richard Cutcher is joined by Julia Graham of Airmic, as well as Lucy Stanbrough of Willis Towers Watson, discusses the risk & megatrends map through the lens of geopolitics and how organisations should be thinking about the challenges concerning a volatile global environment.
StrategicRISK , 7th July 2020
Friday Reading Edition 17 (17th July 2020)
Addressing climate change is not just about saving the world – it could save businesses. An exclusive StrategicRISK survey indicates that boards could finally be switched on to this risk, in this special report published in partnership with Airmic, FM Global and Swiss Re.
Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment (IEMA)
Friday Reading Edition 17 (17th June 2020)
New guidance to help you understand the requirements from the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) requirements, drawing on the insights of both financial and sustainability risk practitioners.
BBC Radio 4, 19th October 2017
Friday Reading Edition 16 (10th July 2020)
Evan Davis and guests debate whether a mix of talents in the workplace leads to better companies and translates into more profits.