Click here for the Friday Reading Search, a searchable archive of reading and knowledge resources

Since March 2020, Airmic has been issuing Friday Reading, a curated series of readings and knowledge resources sent by email to Airmic members. The objective of Airmic Friday Reading was initially to keep members informed during the Covid-19 pandemic. Today, Airmic Friday Reading has evolved in scope to include content on a wide range of subjects with each email edition following a theme. This page is a searchable archive of all the readings and knowledge resources that have been shared.

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ISO, 1st September 2021
Friday Reading Edition 77 (1st October 2021)
[Requires purchase of the standard] This document gives guidance on the governance of organizations. It provides principles and key aspects of practices to guide governing bodies and governing groups on how to meet their responsibilities so that the organizations they govern can fulfil their purpose. It is also intended for stakeholders involved in, or impacted by, the organization and its governance.
Financial Reporting Council (FRC), 1st September 2021
Friday Reading Edition 77 (1st October 2021)
Companies seek to seize and deliver on opportunities that create long-term value that are aligned to their purpose. But every opportunity and every action (or inaction) has an associated risk. Investing is as much about assessing the risk as the related opportunity. This means that all organisations have a story to tell on these topics to investors, regulators and other stakeholders. But is this story clear, is it connected and does it reflect the organisation’s processes?
Institute of Business Ethics, 2nd June 2021
Friday Reading Edition 70 (13th August 2021)
Dr Sam Barrell, COO of the Francis Crick Institute, talks about the intense cultural impact of the Crick’s response to the pandemic (repurposing to be a testing, then a vaccination centre) and the importance of purpose. She shares some of the ethical challenges that the executive team faced and how they successfully managed the relationship with their board.
RepTrak, 10th February 2020
Friday Reading Edition 70 (13th August 2021)
Covers the importance of maintaining a strong brand reputation, how purpose plays into the equation, and what marketers can do to build brand trust.
Harvard Business School , 1st September 2016
Friday Reading Edition 70 (13th August 2021)
The results of this study suggest that firms with employees that maintain strong beliefs in the meaning of their work experience better performance.
Board Agenda
Friday Reading Edition 70 (13th August 2021)
Embedding company purpose requires businesses to think about every process their organisation operates—and accept that there will be trade-offs.
Control Risks, 19th July 2021
Friday Reading Edition 69 (6th August 2021)
The conversation driver in the ESG agenda tends to be environmental issues, which garner plenty of media and regulatory attention. But mismanaging social issues can do just as much damage to your investment as other factors and may mean you miss critical opportunities for impact and value creation.
McKinsey & Co, 22nd October 2020
Friday Reading Edition 51 (26th March 2021)
The consequences of risk, from pandemics to climate change, dominate the business agenda. They also underscore the importance for business leaders to strengthen their companies’ ESG propositions, says Karen Wood, chair of the board of South32, a diversified resources company headquartered in Australia.
Lloyd’s Register, 16th February 2021
Friday Reading Edition 47 (26th February 2021)
[Free to read full report upon sharing contact details] Lloyd's Register Foundation and the Resilience Shift have developed 'Engineering A Safer Future', a series of conversations as an antidote to the pervasive online 'noise' that confronts us as we seek serious discussion and meaningful insight into the impact of Covid-19.
Harvard Business Review, 2nd July 2019
Friday Reading Edition 40 (8th January 2021)
[Purchase required] Rethink how your organisation creates, delivers, and captures value, or risk becoming irrelevant. If you read nothing else on business model innovation, read these 10 articles. The most important among the hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles selected to help you reach new customers and stay ahead of your competitors by reinventing your business model.